Our vision:
A creative cognitive system for a productive community
Our Mission:
Support the university sectors to direct expenditures and implement budget policies and instructions approved by the Ministry of Finance by implementing financial systems through the financial services platform (etimad)) emerging from the Kingdom's 2030 vision,
Our values and principles:
We are working to fully perform the tasks entrusted to us in order to obey God first and then implement the directives of the higher administration. Second, to achieve the vision of our majestic kingdom and its supportive Vision 2030 through a set of basic values based on the principles of the true Islamic religion, which are:
Integrity: Commitment to the highest ethical values, integrity and sincerity, and fairness in programming the sectors' needs according to priority.
Transparency: providing data and information and disclosing them electronically to specialists in an integrated, accurate manner and on time.
Respect: Good manners, respect and appreciation for all.
Cooperation: working in a team spirit among the employees of the department and the sectors related to the two campuses.
Work ethics: Promote a dynamic work environment with professional ethics and high administrative and financial skills that value collaborative and positive discussions to serve the university sectors and the nation’s goals.
Quality and development: commitment to quality of performance, accuracy of implementation, continuous evaluation in all our administrative, financial and operational work, and automation of procedures.
Resource sustainability: Preserving the continuity of the university’s gains and institutional resources such as human, financial, material, technical and environmental resources that support the implementation of policies and achieve efficient expenditure within the framework of the state budget.
Our goals:
- Supporting the Kingdom's vision 2030 by achieving its sub-goals stemming from the general objective of "enhancing government effectiveness"
- The role of the department in achieving financial sustainability for the university by maintaining low debt rates and by not postponing over any financial dues for the next fiscal year.
- Automating the exchange of data between the university and relevant government sectors using electronic and other systems to enhance transparency in government sectors within the goals of Vision 2030.
- Automating all reports and developing electronic services in a way that contributes to achieving the goal of developing e-government.
- Contribute to spreading and increasing awareness of achieving efficient expenditure and developing revenues at the university in line with plans, programs and related decisions through budget controls and other means of communication.
- Developing the necessary tools, methodologies and techniques to raise the efficiency of administrative and financial procedures and processes.
- Creating an effective work environment that is characterized by excellence in performance and accuracy in achievement
Our Department tasks:
- Representing the university in the relevant government sectors with regard to the budget.
- Receiving the university’s budget from the Ministry of Finance, summarizing it and presenting it to His Excellency the President of the University for approval.
- Informing all university sectors of the budget instructions and policies received from the Ministry of Finance after their approval to work with them.
- Preparing the annual draft budget in line with the actual needs of the university and what achieves its strategic goals in accordance with the budget preparation rules and models issued by the Ministry of Finance.
- Spreading and increasing awareness of implementing the university's budget within the limits of the approved maximums from the state budget in accordance with the regulations and systems of the Ministry of Finance in line with the Kingdom's Vision 2030
- Programming public expenditures from the annual budget approved for the university based on the classifications of the Ministry of Finance and according to the approval of each expense.
- Effective participation with all sectors of the university to study the expenditures needs of different sectors according to the priority of need.
- Coordination with the relevant departments and units at the university in studying the needed financial allocations.
- General supervision of spending details from the approved budget through electronic means.
- Approving contracts, approvals, and financial transactions through an approval platform.
- Preparation of transfer decisions according to the regulations notified to the university by the Ministry of Finance in the field of budget.
- Preparing schedules and implementation data for financial commitments in the light of what is approved in the budget.
- Performing financial commitments from the approved budget in accordance with the laws, regulations, circulars and decisions issued in their regard.
- Issuing the circulars and decisions necessary to implement the budget in accordance with the regulations issued by the Ministry of Finance.
- Follow up the implementation of decisions related to the tasks and actions of the department based on the policies, controls, plans and programs that will implement the budget in accordance with the regular procedures.
- Developing the human cadre in the administration by attending workshops and training courses in the two halves, each with regard to his competence.